Pediatric Physiotherapy

How Can I Help my Child?


Pediatric physiotherapy is a field in physiotherapy that specializes in the assessment, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases. Pediatric physiotherapists employ their clinical expertise to detect any abnormalities in childhood motor development and use various therapeutic activities to ensure that motors skills, such as rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, are acquired without delays, compensations or asymmetries. Different types of therapeutic activities are used in order to promote participation and functional independence.

What is my role as a parent ?

Pediatric physiotherapists have the unique opportunity to work with not only the child, but also with their family as they play an important role in providing and ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment for their condition. As the parent, you will work with your physiotherapist to set goals and discuss a treatment plan to achieve these objectives. Depending on your child’s age and needs, you may need to assist them with their home exercise program.

A pediatric physiotherapist can treat variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases including:​


The evaluation in Pediatric Physiotherapy begins with a detailed interview. Depending on the age of your child, it may include questions about the pregnancy and birth history as well as when developmental milestones were attained. In youth and adolescents, the interview may include their past medical history, the symptoms they are having, the effect that these symptoms are having on their life, and a discussion about goals.

A pediatric physiotherapist uses validated outcome measures to evaluate the level of strength, flexibility, gross motor skills and overall functional capabilities in order to determine any participation limitations/restrictions as a result of a certain condition or injury.


The results of the evaluation are going to determine the best possible individualised treatment tailor to you and your child's goals. Treatment interventions focus on improving gross motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance. Age-related games and activities are used during therapy so that your child is playing and having fun, while actively participating in the sessions.

For progress to be made and maintained, a home program is provided to practice skills learned during treatment sessions in your child's natural environment (ie. home, school and community). This will allow them to integrate their new skills in their daily life with the support of their family and friends.

Our clinics offering these services