Chronic Prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) treatment

Have you put up with your pain long enough?

Our experienced physiotherapists can help you manage the pain caused by prostatitis. We have been successful in treating this problem both in-clinic and online. online..

Are you having pain:

Which gets worse or better with prolonged positions (sitting for a long time, standing for a long time)?

Lower or middle back?

that goes down the legs?

If the answer to one or more of these questions is yes, Make an appointment at our Clinics now now, because the majority of this clientele improves quickly!


Chronic prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) / Chronic prostatitis is a fairly common condition defined by pain and discomfort in the pelvic area accompanied by urinary and sexual dysfunctions in men. Although not life-threatening, it can greatly affect your quality of life.

The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis are constant or intermittent pain and discomfort in the pelvic floor muscles, prostate, testicles, penis, rectum, perineum, lower abdomen, groin, coccyx and/or lower back that has been present for at least three months. Pain severity may vary from day to day. Some men experience sexual issues such as painful or premature ejaculation and/or erectile dysfunction. Problems such as increased urinary frequency and urgency, pain when urinating and/or a poor urinary stream may also be present.


The Prostate Gland?

It was previously assumed the prostate gland was responsible for the aforementioned symptoms. This is why this condition is also known as chronic prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). Research now shows that the prostate gland is generally not the source of the problem;therefore the term ‘’chronic pelvic pain syndrome’’ is more accurate. Some types of prostatitis are due to bacterial infections and can be treated with antibiotics. In 90% of the cases, however, there is no infection or inflammation of the prostate.These cases are categorized as CPPS.

Il n’y a pas de consensus sur la cause médicale du SDPC. Par contre, certains facteurs de risques ont été déterminés. Ceux-ci incluent l’adoption des positions affalées pour une durée prolongée, faire une longue promenade en bicyclette, la musculation, un traumatisme, une chirurgie ou une infection au niveau pelvien et le stress et l’anxiété excessifs (en général ou spécifiquement liés aux rapports sexuels).

Pelvic Floor Musculature

Dysfunction in the pelvic floor muscles is known to cause a variety of issues at the level of the pelvic organs and tissues (namely blood vessels and nerves) due to their close relationship. Most people with CPPS have chronic tenderness, increased tension and even spasms in their pelvic floor muscles and it is thought that this contributes significantly to the pain experienced.

Une tension pelvic floor musculature can be due to a physical trauma or strain; however, it is more commonly due to mental and emotional stresses translating into physical tension in the pelvic region. Pelvic floor muscle tension can be felt as pain, and it can also compromise the normal function of the anus and urethra and other pelvic structures (e.g. nerve or blood vessel compression), which can subsequently cause more pain that can be referred to the coccyxperineum, rectum, anus and genitals.

The Mid-to Lower Back

The mid-to-lower back is another potential source of pain. Just like how sciatica can refer pain down your leg, it can also refer pain into your pelvic and genital region.This can be the case even if there is no clear pain in the lower back, but the odds of it being pertinent increase significantly when there is pain in the lower back. It also increases significantly when you have pain that increases or decreases with certain positions (sitting, walking, lying on one side). The lower back is often missed in the treatment of this condition, which is unfortunate as we have found that approximately 50% of patients with chronic prostatitis respond rapidly with our specific approach to pain of spinal origin.


​When the cause of pain is non-bacterial, research has shown that drugs such as antibiotics, alpha-blockers, and anti-inflammatories, and surgeries are rarely successful.

Our physiotherapists are specially trained to be able to determine which factors are playing a role in your pain and offering clear, logical advice and specific exercises to help relieve your pain and other symptoms..


If the lower back is found to be your primary pain generator, your physiotherapist's treatment will include advice you on limiting aggravating positions and activities and increasing activities and positions that may help to relieve your symptoms. Simple and effective exercises that often have an immediate effect on your pain will be given to help try to relieve your symptoms between sessions.

If tension in the pelvic floor muscles is a common source of pain, treatment to release muscle tension is an effective solution. for pain relief and improvement of sexual and urinary dysfunction. A combination of education about the condition, muscle relaxation exercises, and manual techniques such as trigger point release and deep soft tissue massage can be very helpful.

Stress management techniques, meditation or other relaxing activities can also help , and we will guide you to other treatment options if necessary.

Call now for Call now for an appointment with one of our experienced physiotherapists!.

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